Law Programme - Faculty of Law - Uppsala University, Sweden
Titelinformation - Bibliotek Uppsala
International Business Is known for innovative and influential research, especially within the internationalisation process of firms, widely known as the "Uppsala School", and the management of the multinational corporation. This master's programme offers a holistic view of managing and renewing the knowledge of sustainable horticultural cultivation systems. Landscape Architecture In one of Europe’s largest campuses for education in Landscape Design, Landscape Planning and Landscape Management and Construction, this master’s programme gives you a possibility to in depth studies in varied areas of Landscape Vid Uppsala universitets ekonomiska institutioner finns det möjlighet att läsa en rad olika masterprogram av olika karaktär och med olika inriktningar. Nedan listas samtliga dessa program med studieort Uppsala. Masterprogram i företagande och ledning, 120 hp. Detta masterprogram ämnar utbilda studenter till framgångsrika ledare som innehar expertis inom just företagsekonomi och Upon receiving the Master’s degree, you are ready to cope with the challenges of the highly qualified analytical work you will come across in your professional career. The program prepares you exceptionally well for a career in public administration and private organizations, as well as for any PhD program in economics.
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Law Programme - Faculty of Law - Uppsala University, Sweden
Law and Business Encompasses Swedish and international (in particular European) commercial law, but also e.g. healthcare law.
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In 2019 June 8-15 Masters was held in Uppsala. More information here https://en.wikipedia.o We offer accommodation to all Fee Paying Master Students at Uppsala University from non EU/EES-countries, who must pay tuition fee for their studies at Universities in Sweden.
To be able to attend the ceremony you must have finished and have received proof of your law degree, or Master of Laws degree. Afterwards there will be a reception in the entrance hall of the University. The Law programme is divided into two levels, undergraduate and the graduate level respectively, and comprises a total of 270 credits (cr). One credit is equivalent to one ECTS. The undergraduate level consists of six semesters, 180 credits, and focuses on studies of basic mandatory subjects. Juridiska fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet ger tre magisterprogram och ett masterprogram varje läsår, med start på höstterminen.
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Titelinformation - Bibliotek Uppsala
If you are interested in a job with a focus on law, extensive and attractive employment opportunities now await. The Law programme is divided into two levels, undergraduate and the graduate level respectively, and comprises a total of 270 credits (cr). One credit is equivalent to one ECTS. The undergraduate level consists of six semesters, 180 credits, and focuses on studies of basic mandatory subjects. About Thesis for the Degree of Master of Laws . The thesis of 30 ECTS credits, with or without internship, may be started as of term 7 of the Law programme. The course consists of a written project and participation in mandatory seminars and lectures.