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Translate tander in Spanish with contextual examples

Visual Timetable for School English/Spanish. Food and Drinks Vocabulary Word Mat Spanish. Zoo Animals in English/Spanish Poster. Check 'mat' translations into Spanish.

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Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Entered by: Valentín Hernández Lima. 19:05 Dec 29, 2003. English to Spanish translations [PRO] Tech/Engineering. English term or phrase: mat.

bath mat - coaster - doily - hot pad - matting - mount - photo mount - place mat - place setting - prayer mat - red carpet - rug - table mat - tatami Spanish: colchoneta - estera - esterar - lona - alfombra de baño - alfombrilla - cambiador - esterilla - individual - petate - posavasos - redor - tapete - tapete de seguridad English to Spanish: more detail mat: mate ; apagado ; sombrear ; gris ; oscuro ; mudo ; pálido ; sin brillo ; pardo ; sombrío ; sordo ; grisáceo maraña - thicket, tangle, mess. colchoneta (de gimnasia) - mat (for gymnastic sports) mate - matte, dull.

När löven faller: Grinde, Anette, Andersson, Mats

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). Look at this mat with all the beautiful colors. Many translated example sentences containing "mats" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

Mats english to spanish

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Mats english to spanish

Contextual translation of "yoga mat" into Spanish. Human translations with examples: kfa, yoga, why?, smat, yoga, manta, estera, felpudo, lingote, el yoga, alfombra.

Spanish words for mat include estera, mate, felpudo, salvamanteles, tapetito, enmarañarse, enmarañar and greña. Find more Spanish words at! English French Italian German Portuguese Spanish -------------- Arabic Catalan Castilian Czech Chinese (s) Chinese (t) Danish Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Persian Japanese Korean Dutch Norwegian Polish Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Thai Ukrainian Urdu.
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HERE are many translated example sentences containing "MAT" - english-spanish translations and search engine for english translations.

A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g.
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Human translations with examples: kfa, smat, mattre, lingote, esteras, felpudo, for~mato, veneridae, la comida (39). mat. Spanish Translation. estera. More Spanish words for mat. la estera noun.