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We hope this article gives you a basis to build your own cool solutions with DI and make your working with data simpler. When you configure an injector with a provider, you are associating that provider with a dependency injection token, or DI token. The injector allows Angular create a map of any internal dependencies. The DI token acts as a key to that map.
Instead of creating instances of Introducing dependency injection as a design pattern; Understanding how Angular implements DI; Registering object providers and using injectors; Adding A dependency provider configures an injector with a DI token, which that injector uses to provide the runtime version of a dependency value. Specifying a provider ElementInjector using providers. ElementInjector enforces the service to be used only inside some particular components. providers and ViewProviders meta data In Angular we specify providers for services using @Injectable() , @NgModule() and @Component() decorators. In software engineering, dependency injection is a technique in which an object receives other The injector may be referred to by other names such as: assembler, provider, container, factory, In the AngularJS framework, there are 3 Jan 2018 auth.module.ts.
Specifying a provider ElementInjector using providers.
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