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Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : 2015 : 189 pages : the Cambridge LLM Masters Degree Course in Corporate Governance Law.These introductory lectures cover the following topics:a) Corporate Governance as Master's Programme, Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy. Systems AGH – AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland requirement of 5.5; or Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or Cambridge Certificate. Skolor där du kan läsa en Masters Degree Vill du studera på universitet i London, Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh eller någon annanstans i Storbritannien? European Law, University of Helsinki and Director of its Master's Programme in EU Policymaking, are forthcoming with Cambridge University Press (2021).
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The following directories are available to help you find your course or studentship, explore information about your department and understand more about the qualification you will be awarded. University of CambridgeFaculty of Physics and Chemistry. The Institute of Astronomy offers an exciting opportunity for suitably qualified students who have completed a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in astronomy, physics or mathematics to study for a one-year master level qualification in astrophysics working alongside fourth-year (Part III University of Cambridge Faculty of Business and Management The Cambridge Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) is a 20 month programme delivered over 16 weekends and four week-long blocks, most of which are at Cambridge Judge Business School. University of Cambridge Faculty of Business and Management The Cambridge Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) is a 20 month programme delivered over 16 weekends and four week-long blocks, most of which are at Cambridge Judge Business School. Cambridge offers undergraduate degree courses (known as Triposes) in the arts and humanities, social sciences, sciences and engineering.
University of Cambridge Faculty of Physics and Chemistry This four-year Doctoral Training Programme on computational methods for material modelling aims to train scientists not only in the use of existing modelling methods but also in the underlying computational and mathematical techniques.
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Each year the University holds a Postgraduate Open Day where potential applicants can visit the Faculty and find out further information on the courses available. For 2020 the Open Day will be a virtual event. Details will be made available here in September.
Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg - 貼文
The Cambridge University Behavioural Insights Team (CUBIT) PhD programme and an MPhil in Biological Sciences.
Find information on postgraduate courses offered at the University of Cambridge, guidance on how to apply and the funding and bursary opportunities available.
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Your life experience is valued in our classrooms, and we welcome you to Cambridge College. Find out about public health teaching and courses at the University of Cambridge.
They are among the Two new Climate Change Master's programmes launched at Cambridge | University of Cambridge
The university offers 55 master's programs and 2 MBA programs.
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Pursue a lifelong passion, enhance your professional development or learn a new skill. Various postgraduate courses of a mathematical nature are available at the University of Cambridge, including both taught courses and research degrees.